Workshop Outcomes

At the end of the workshop, participants will have:

  1. Explored the different topics and considerations related to classroom management, and how these could be implemented in her/his own lesson, namely: Myself, as the Teacher, My Students and how they engage, Lesson Preparation and Planning, Availability of Equipment and Resources, Technology used by me, the Teacher, Technology my Students may use, The Teaching and Learning Spaces, virtual and face-to-face.
  2. Participated in the discussions and activities of how the various aspects can be related to participants classroom management
  3. Participated in reflection of own classroom management, that would be useful and appropriate for use within own classroom and school


Classroom Management is all about how you manage your teaching and learning space. So the learning experience for learners is effective, informative and where knowledge is acquired in a meaningful manner. At the same time it is a stress free environment for all learners and for you the teacher. 

In this workshop we are going to explore:

  • Myself as the teacher
  • My students, I teach
  • My planning and preparation
  • The resources and equipment available to me
  • The technology I use as the teacher
  • The technology my learners may use
  • The learning space, both physical and virtual.

Throughout this workshop consider how these various aspects impact your teaching and learning.  

How do these aspects impact and effect your learners?

How do these aspects impact you as an individual, and as the teacher?