Growing Nelson Mandela’s (Madiba’s) values in our classroom and school
By Richard Hayward
Growing Nelson Mandela’s (Madiba’s) values in our classroom and school
By Richard Hayward
In this short self-paced course we’ll explore:
Madiba the man and the significant dates in his life. The main focus addresses the values we can attribute to Pres. Mandela:
1. Compassion
2. Courage
3. Emotional intelligence
4. Focus
5. Forgiveness
6. Humility
7. Inclusivity
8. Perseverance
We’ll explore the values within our own classes.
And how we could instil and keep Mandela’s values within our schools.
Join me on this journey.
The SACE titled course, “Growing Madiba’s values in our schools” earns 5 CPTD points.
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Many thanks for your kind words, Dr Potterton!