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Dr. Ken Resnick is a registered educational psychologist, practising since 1987. He has 36 years’ experience in his field and for the last 20 years’ experience as a school counsellor/ psychologist at a private co-ed school in Johannesburg. He has done numerous presentations and workshops to parents, therapists and teachers both in South Africa and the UK. He developed and evaluated by way of a doctoral thesis a parenting programme that has proven very effective in assisting parents, teachers and other professionals in understanding the role of the adult educator in guiding a child to adulthood. During his research he came to the conclusion that it is the quality of parenting that is the key factor in the healthy development of the child. This includes virtually all childhood disorders ranging from ADHD, Oppositional Defiant Disorder (ODD), anxiety disorders and many others. During his workshops, professionals involved with assessing, diagnosing and recommending various therapies for children, are given insight and knowledge which assists them in understanding how different parenting styles retard or enhance a child’s development.