Share your resources online – it pays to share!

Teacha! Resources is an online marketplace where teachers can sell and share their resources online. Teachers open their own shops, upload their resources and sell their resources by setting their own prices! To date, more than 300 South African teachers have uploaded nearly 5000 original resources and in have turn earned more than R1 million! If you are a teacher and you are not yet 100% sure about Teacha, read the following reasons why joining the Teacha family will be beneficial to you and others.

Make Money

Let’s face it. Teachers in South Africa are underpaid and overworked. Why not make the most of those extra hours put in making extra worksheets, lesson plans, PowerPoints, exam papers, assessments and notes? By uploading resources to Teacha, you will earn a passive income from the hard work you have done. The numbers speak for themselves: teachers have earned more than a million rand from selling their resources online!

Be Reviewed

The resources uploaded on Teacha are open for reviews. This means that teachers who downloaded the product can rate the product and also give a review of how helpful the resources were to them. This gives the seller the opportunity to adjust and improve their resources in future. Other teachers who might be interested in buying the product will also be assured that they are receiving a quality teaching resource.

The numbers speak for themselves: teachers have earned more than a million rand from selling their resources online!

Homeschoolers and parents rejoice!

Many South African learners are home schooled. Parents who homeschool (or even parents who want to assist their children at home) now also have access to many products that they might need in order to educate their children. Instead of having to spend hours creating worksheets, games, word lists, PowerPoints, remedial help and other resources, parents can now download quality teaching resources in a matter of minutes!

Providing free teaching resources for South African teachers

Of course, teachers have uploaded 100s of FREE resources to Teacha! We strongly encourage teachers to share their products, even if it means that they do this for free. Many teachers in South Africa would not trust online products they can’t test before hand. By providing examples of work and other free products, not only are teachers helping to improve teaching in other classrooms but also gives teachers the opportunity to test and in turn trust the sellers.

There is also a lack of teaching resources in languages other than English. Since South Africa has so many different languages of teaching and learning, Teacha is the perfect platform to share resources in other languages. A few resources have already been uploaded in isiZulu, isiXhosa and Afrikaans!

Teachers’ knowledge is invaluable

As teachers we become masters of our fields. Think back to your first few years of teaching. Don’t you wish you had more support and extra resources that could guide you into the right direction without struggling for months to get some concepts right? Some teachers have no support systems in schools. Many heads of departments simply does not have the time to adequately monitor and mentor young or struggling teachers. Providing quality resources to these teachers might not turn them into great teachers overnight, but will certainly help them to improve.

Teacha! Is more than a resource marketplace. We aim to support teachers in their daily lives by providing news, resources and inspiration. Visit to read our new magazine, get some teacher tips and see which resources are popular on Teacha! Resources. You can also find job posts and information regarding SACE courses.

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Our weekly mailer highlights all the best teaching resources (from original teacher-made lesson plans, worksheets, videos, assessments, and workbooks, to interactive lesson materials and more). We also send a monthly round-up of our most popular Teacha!/Onnies Online articles, providing you with ideas, tips, and inspiration.