Do you not know your SACE from your CPTD? Are you lost in the maze of uncertainty about what on earth it all means and what those letters actually stand for?

Well, we are here to help you so read on and find all the answers to your SACE and CPTD questions.
What is SACE?
First, let’s put to rest that SACE does not stand for “Synchronous Asynchronous Common Environment” or, if you prefer Urban Dictionary, something that is “dope”.
No, SACE is the South African Council for Educators. Their vision is to promote professionalism amongst all educators in South Africa. Their goal is to ensure that the South African education system is enriched by providing properly registered and professionally developed educators. All good!
Who must register with SACE?
If you are a qualified teacher and want to teach in South Africa, then you must register with SACE before you can be appointed to a teaching position.
If you are already teaching, then you should make registration a priority. This includes teachers in public and independent school.
Teachers associated with FET, ABET, Waldorf and Montessori centres are also required to register.
Must foreign teachers also register with SACE?
Yes, however foreign teachers need to first be evaluated by the South African Qualifications Authority (SAQA) before you can be registered. There are particular documents that must accompany your application for registration. Please consult the SACE website for this important information.
How do I register with SACE?
If you are a South African qualified teacher then download the application form and fill it in. Submit this form with certified copies of your professional qualifications and identity document. The registration fee of R200(no cash) must also be included and everything posted to:
South African Council for Educators, Private Bag X127, Centurion, 0046
We cover this topic in more detail in our blog, “A guide to registering with SACE”.
When will I receive my SACE certificate?
The registration process takes about 6 weeks for South African applicants and 3 months for foreign teachers.
What is CPTD
Continuing Professional Teacher Development (CPTD) is a system that helps teachers grow professionally. This is common amongst all professions and it is expected that members grow in knowledge and skills throughout their professional career. It also keeps you up to date with current trends in education.
How many points do I need?
Teachers need to accumulate 150 points over a 3-year cycle. This is achieved by taking part in activities that have been endorsed by SACE. Each activity is allocated a certain amount of points and can range from activities at your school to eLearning and workshops.
How do I earn points?
The activities for earning SACE points are divided into 3 groups. You are required to participate in all three categories. They are:
- Type 1 activities – These are teacher-initiated activities. These are things that you will personally initiate to meet your own needs. They can include reading educational material, attending educational workshops or seminars, mentoring other teachers.
- Type 2 activities – These are school initiated activities. Points can be earned attending school meetings and workshops, participating in school projects and community action research.
- Type 3 activities – These are activities provided by an external source. They can include being involved with subject committees, induction programmes and eLearning.
SACE Points Guide
We at SACE Points Guide have committed ourselves to provide the best possible support to teachers. We are an online listing site filled with SACE approved CPTD activities. So, check out our website for everything SACE related and find great courses to help you grow professionally and earn those 150 points. It’s really not that difficult! You’ve got this ????
“Anyone who stops learning is getting old, whether at 20 or 80.” – Henry Ford