The remastered editions of the well-loved language title, Exercising English for Generation Z are the perfect resources for learning and teaching English for this generation.
These grade-specific titles offer a comprehensive selection of English exercises which
provides learners with lots of practice of the rules of English language. An exciting new
feature is that the workbooks are supported by online content which offers additional theory
as well as interactive activities to reinforce what was studied.
All aspects of language learning are covered in each book and include proficiencies such as
visual literacy and summaries. This series gives the teacher the tools needed to ensure that
learners practice and grasp all concepts while actively engaging with the content and having
fun doing so.
- Written by experienced teachers
- Contains an extensive selection of practical language exercises
- Covers all language proficiencies in the relevant grades
- Visual texts and summaries included
- The online content is perfect for engaging today’s learners
- Learners get instant feedback on their progress of online activities
- No internet needed to access digital version once downloaded through the application
- Perfect for remote learning
- Perfect for home schooling
- Teachers can teach from the workbook and online portal in class and assign exercises for classwork or homework
- Teacher memorandum available on the online portal
- Colourful and modern books – aimed at Generation Z
Graded series:
- Book 1 – Grades 7 & 8
- Book 2 – Grades 9 & 10
- Book 3 – Grades 11 & 12
English First Additional Language and Home Language
Blended learning solution: hardcopy workbook supported by digital learning content
In the classroom and at home. The online version can be used anywhere, anytime. No WiFi access is necessary once downloaded.