Game and Puzzle Resources

Let’s face it, we all love playing games. Yes, they have the potential of turning into World War 3, however, a few well-chosen games will add a new buzz to your classroom, and I mean a good buzz! It is a rare thing to hear children say: “Ah no, do we have to play a game?”  Apart from the obvious fun factor, games hold many benefits for your learners. Here are just a three:

  • Games support learning – your students are going to remember something that is connected to fun (not to say that your lessons cannot be fun   ).
  • Games build connections with each other – games break down barriers and the learners might well find themselves making new friends.
  • Games teach new skills – like critical thinking, how to be a team player, good sportsmanship, good communication etc.

I suspect when you introduce more games into your classroom that you are going to rather hear: “Can we play a game, pretty pleeeeease?”
Browse through our games on offer and find the ones that support your classroom goals and lessons. Have fun!

Cells Biological Term Game Cards

This is a fun team game for students to play. It encourages their biological term knowledge and recall.
Download here.

Cards vs Grammar

A hilarious game that allows learners to practice all of the basic parts of speech. It assists in the reinforcement of concepts through peer-assisted learning and teacher confirmation.
Download here.

IsiZulu Transport Snap Flashcards

This resource consists of 12 transport cards, with three copies of each card. It is great for memory games or snap.
Download here.

Vinnige Flink Dink en Lees Speletjie

Geniet hierdie speletjie waarin die kinders 15 sekondes het om woorde te noem oor ‘n sekere onderwerp. (Vul die onderwerpe aan met u eie prente en woorde.) Daarna lees hulle woorde oor die onderwerp en dink daaroor na.
Download here.

Sight Word Card Game

This packet is designed to offer a fun and engaging way to practice the sixth hundred sight words on the Fry Word List.
There are 140 cards. This allows for more variety in the word options, giving you the opportunity to select the words that will better suit your lesson and student needs.
Download here.

Long Vowels Dice Game

Dice games are fun to play. There are 8 dice games in this bundle to assist with long vowel revision.
Download here.

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