The use of technology and online learning is fast becoming the new paradigm in education. Using online resources, learners are able to take more responsibility for their own learning, while being guided by their teachers. Educational principles such as differentiated learning, problem-solving and the flipped classroom approach can now be realised through the powerful medium of online tools.
This change has been the driving force behind one educational publisher’s vision.
In 2019, well-known author, Mark Phillips, together with his team, launched Mindbourne. Focusing specifically on Mathematics and Advanced Programme Mathematics, Mindbourne has created engaging educational products that enable teachers and learners to embrace the demands of education in the 21st century.
How Mindbourne learning works
- Mindbourne textbooks (Grade 8 – 12, as well as AP Maths) are based on the current syllabi for both the IEB and DBE.
- Online video lessons allow learners to study certain topics online. This facilitaes the flipped classroom model and enables teachers to complete the syllabus earlier, allowing more time for revision at the end of the year.
- The examination focus exercises at the end of each chapter contain revision exercises and challenging examination-type questions. Learners can check their answers using the video lessons, under the guidance of their teacher.
How the Mindbourne video portal empowers educators and students
- The use of the textbook together with video lessons based on the content of the book leads to structured and reliable online learning that is relevant to the syllabus. The online lessons also prepare learners for the demands of tertiary education, which requires a great deal of independent online study.
- Teachers can motivate learners to use the video lessons by creating online tasks that count for marks, based on their customised lesson plans.
- The video portal has a teacher control facility which allows teachers to control which lessons may be viewed by their learners. This prevents learners from abusing the system by copying homework solutions from the portal without first having attempted the questions on their own. The teacher can enable or disable any of the lessons on the video portal.
- The video lessons allow for differentiated learning. This means that the stronger learners can work ahead of the class by using the video portal. They can move on to the more challenging questions faster and have the solutions available at any time, at the discretion of the teacher. Less strong learners can use the video lessons to master the basics.
- Learners who are absent for classes due to sickness or other commitments can catch up lessons online.
- If an educator falls behind with the syllabus due to unforeseen circumstances or disruptive school activities, some content can be given to the learners to watch online. This assists in getting back on track with the syllabus.
- The video lessons are ideal for revision before exams.
- The video portal is ideal for new teachers wishing to master the concepts and examples.
- Should a school be without a Mathematics teacher for some time, the learners can keep up to date with the syllabus by using the video portal. Learners can watch the video lessons under the supervision of an adult during normal school lessons.
How the teacher resource portal works
- Mindbourne’s resource portal contains a large variety of examination questions and marking guidelines which teachers can access. These questions are available in the different fonts used by the DBE and IEB. They are also available in WORD format so that teachers can copy, paste, and adapt selected questions when setting their own assessments. New questions are added to the portal every year.
- Supplementary notes contain additional notes as well as practice and extension questions. For example, the laws of logs will soon be included in the IEB. There are notes and questions on this topic in the resource portal.
- The video tutorials are ideal for new teachers wishing to improve their understanding of certain topics.
How the Mindbourne Academy gets learners set for academic success
- Advanced Programme (AP) Mathematics is an additional enrichment course studied by learners wishing to pursue tertiary courses requiring a sound knowledge of Mathematics. The course offers advanced topics such as Calculus, Statistics and Mathematical Modelling.
- The Academy offers a three-year course in AP Mathematics starting from Grade 10. In Grade 12, learners are required to write a final examination set by the IEB. Learners who pass the course will receive a certificate from the IEB, which can be included with applications to study at university.
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